ul. M. Tito 47a/2
Chemical peeling is a great field in Esthetic medicine. With the help of chemical peeling we treated many skin problems such as:
There are various types of chemical peelings that vary by theirs composition and strength.
Depending on the composition and strength of the piling we determine which peel will treat the exact problem. Of course, these two things and also the numb he the treatments should be determined by the doctor after the detailed examination of the skin.
Weaker peeling could be processed by the beautician, but the stronger of course indulge in the hands and experience of the doctor.
The number of treatments depends on the indication, ranges from 1 – 10 treatments.
The treatments are painless; sometimes feels little tingling of the skin which disappears for 2-3 minutes.
Treatment is usually quick and effective, lasting 30 minutes.
The results are excellent and visible after a few days.